We are offering several new one-time loan opportunities. All loan offers are based on proof of ability to reimburse funds based upon the terms outlined, credit worthiness, and Credit Committee approval. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or older to apply. Monies from either of these offers cannot be used to refinance, pay down, pay off, or pay on current loans already established with the credit union.
It's a 2020 Celebration Loan Sale - Apply by Thursday, January 30, 2020 for a $2,020 loan at 2.020% for 20 months (approximately $102.79 monthly payment required for the life of the loan/no penalty for early satisfaction). Loan Application for the It's a 2020 Celebration -----> Click Here
Holiday Newsletter - Butler County Teachers Federal Credit Union Newsletter! Volume 1 / Issue 1 -----> Click Here